FK Lowry Piling completed the design and installation of 235 No. Bored Displacement Piles (BDP) for a new Shurguard Self-Storage Facility in Romford, Essex.
FK Lowry Piling were subcontracted to Appain Construction Ltd to undertake the works using their Soilmec SR-75 Piling Rig and installed 450mm diameter BDP’s to depths up to 12m below existing ground levels for working loads of up to 600kN. The underlying soils consisted of Made Ground/Fill, underlain by Medium Dense-Dense Sands & Gravels before firm-stiff Clay was encountered at depth. Pile design was verified by Preliminary & Static Load Tests.
Shurgard operates 220 self storage stores in 7 countries in the Europe (Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom) and over 2,200 self storage stores in the United States providing individuals and businesses with extra storage space.

“We initially approached this project with a conventional CFA Proposal. However, after listening to the Clients concerns regards contamination Levels on site we immediately re-evaluated the scheme. We considered the use of Bored Displacement Piling as a viable alternative that would not only cater for the specified working loads but would significantly reduce the amount of “spoil” having to be removed from site. By providing the Client with a displacement piling system that would mitigate the need for the expensive removal of contaminated spoil, we were able to demonstrate cost savings.”Martin Mc Kinstry, FK Lowry Contract Engineer