Key Programme dates and operational certainty guaranteed.
The overall project involved the design and construction of 2km of permanent access roads/walkways and 6 hectares of heavy-duty hardstandings, comprising 470mm thick CBGM pavement and brick pavers.
Our subcontract package consisted of:
- 30,248m of concrete bay joint saw cutting to a depth of 450mm
- 30,248m of concrete bay joint sealing
- 696m of asphalt joint saw cutting and sealing
- 351no of 500mm diameter cores for the installation of security fencing
We undertook and completed the works using our in-house plant and labour resource. We worked collaboratively with our Client and key stakeholders in the development of our works phasing plan. This ensured that key programme dates were achieved whilst DP World Port operational certainty was maintained throughout the course of our works. Our phasing plan included temporary traffic management plans to ensure other contractors and port traffic could safely bypass our works site. These plans were submitted to the Principal Contractor and Port Operations team for approval in advance of our works.