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Lagan Construction Group host National Women in Engineering Day Event

23 Jun 2015

To celebrate National Women in Engineering Day 2015, Lagan Construction Group hosted an event for local school girls at their headquarters Rosemount House in Belfast on Tuesday 23rdJune 2015. The aim of the event was to encourage more young girls to consider engineering as a career choice with invitees including girls from various local schools such as Ulidia Integrated College, Strathearn School, St. Dominics Grammar School, and St. Louise’s Comprehensive College.

To inspire the local girls, Lagan Construction Group organised for special guest speakers from the construction industry for the event as well as interactive activities where the students got some hands on experience during the building of the ICE Bridge activity which they completed alongside some Lagan Construction Group engineers. The event championed the achievement of women in engineering and helped promote engineering as a career choice for girls and women.

The National Women in Engineering Day was set up by the Women in Engineering Society (WES) for the first time last year to celebrate their 95th anniversary. The WES are a charity who work in a number of ways in order to support women in engineering; by encouraging the study and application of engineering, by promoting gender equality and diversity in the workplace, and by awarding excellence and achievements.

“By encouraging girls into engineering careers we will not only be increasing diversity and inclusion – a business imperative – but enabling us to fill the substantial future as job opportunities that have been predicted in this sector.”
Women’s Engineering Society, Supporter of the event at Rosemount House
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