Lagan Construction Group is sending a ‘play safe’ message to young people in the Great Blakenham area as they are currently working as Principal Contractors at Suffolk Energy from Waste facility.
Lagan Construction Group’s Customer Service Manager visited both Bramford Primary and Claydon Primary Schools to send out a safe message to pupils, making them aware of the dangers of playing near construction sites.
Some children are drawn to construction sites as exciting places to explore, but we want to get the message across that they are not playgrounds and playing on them can have dangerous consequences. We would urge all parents to keep their children safe by explaining to them the dangers of playing in or around construction sites.
The contract was awarded by recycling and resource management company SITA UK in October 2010 to CNIM/Lagan JV as part of their £1 billion PFI deal with Suffolk County Council to develop an energy-from-waste facility to manage the county’s residual household waste.
Lagan Construction works with their French based process partner CNIM on the project at Great Blakenham which has an overall construction value of £150 million.
The energy-from-waste facility was designed by architect firm Grimshaw who took inspiration from Suffolk’s open skies to create an eye-catching and unique design. The facility will feature a state-of the-art glazed visitor centre, landscaped wetland area and an on-site ash processing facility.
Pictured: Bramford Primary School